Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Summarize the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summarize the article - Essay Example The authors state that core mathematics programs that use an explicit and systematic instructional approach provide an in-depth coverage of the most critical areas of mathematics and help students with disabilities achieve the best and effective learning. This core programs reflect the current research on effective mathematics instruction meaning that they are highly developed to support the learning of mathematics for children with disabilities. The authors point out that much of the research done on this area have concentrated on the effects of small group intervention strategies. For learners with disabilities, modifications are required from time-to-time. Therefore, core programs give teachers the instructional foundation to make modifications that are required make the instructional intensity effective especially for struggling learners (Doabler, Jungjohann and Baker 50). Research has indicated that many reviews in the curriculum fail to address demonstration of target content, structured student practice and procedures to get academic feedback. However, there are certain guidelines that teachers can use to make their core mathematics instruction more explicit and systematic for children at risk of mathematics disabilities. However, the teachers must understand the importance of explicit and systematic instruction. First teachers must understand what explicit and systematic instruction entails. Research has indicated that children at risk of mathematics disabilities (MD) learn better, when teachers use explicit and systematic instruction. Explicit instruction is a method used for teaching essential skills in the most efficient manner. Explicit and systematic instruction entails unambiguous teaching models, sequencing of instructional examples, instructional scaffolding, timely feedback and cumulative review of the whole process. The second issue is the practical guidelines for examination and enhancement of core math instruction. The authors

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