Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Karl Marx Essay

Karl Marx who was christened the father of modern communism was a well historied philosopher whose ideologies in the political, economy as well as friendly perspectives were genuinely significant. To Marx, the issue of diversity in ships company was a major push and a central point in his ideologies. He blamed the variety in clubhouse on the economic action. (Healey J 2006). He laid more(prenominal) emphasis on the means of production which simply implied the tools or materials used in order to ensure that goods and ser frailtys were produced and distributed.To Marx, the means of production could vary depending on the prevailing economic system. In cases of agricultural societies, play would be an important means of production while for the industrial order of magnitude the machinery and equipment, factories as well as the transportation system were the means of production. Marx yet noted that societies were dominated by capitalistic tendencies in spite of them be agri cultural or industrial. To him there are two major friendly segmentationes who are in continued struggle or conflict oer the means of production.The two major septes are the bourgeoisie who not all own but excessively control the factors of production and it is also the reigning class. (Healey J 2006). The early(a) class comprises of the p subroutinetariat or the operate oning class. Marx believed that conflicts amid the two distinct classes were eminent or rather inevitable. The resultant assemble was that the proletariat class would over throw the bourgeoisie and an equitable fellowship would be attained. In the new association exploitation and coercion would be a thing of the past.The new friendship would be a class less society and inequality would be erased and social deviate would be attained. Marx presented a conflicting society that was characterised by continued class struggle. (Healey J 2006) Healey in Race, Ethnicity, Gender and class, noted that Max weber a German sociologist was a major critic of Marx ideologies. He argued that Marx ideology of inequality in society was a very narrow one. To weber, the inequality bother in society was complex and not as simple as Marx presented it.He was quite categorical that inequalities in society could not be wholly blamed on economic forces. In this regard he noted the cases where people may belong to the elite class in society but overlook wealth attached to it or vice versa. Some people may have the wealth but lack the self-importance esteem. (Healey J, 2006) Marx and weber hold on the issue of inequalities in society. weber expounded on Marx ideologies and he in fact adopted other social stratification mechanisms regarding inequalities with ownership and control of factors of production which was similar to Karl Marxs class ideology.Secondly, he brought about the idea of prestigiousness where the amount of honour or self esteem given to people by others was highlighted. To Weber, factors like class, family lineage as well as physical appearance affected the amount of prestige or honour to be placed on people by others. The third stratification according to Weber was power or the magnate to influence or control others. A persons nominate in political organisation determined how powerful they were in the society.To Weber, the trio groups had similar characteristics in the sense that wealthy, prestigious were likely to be more powerful when compared to the poor people in the society. (Healey J, 2006). Both Marx and Weber agreed that the development of capitalism was as a result of accumulated capital. However, they differed on how the gathering was ensured. Marx was convinced that owners of the means of production or the bourgeois acquired broad capital by expropriation and exploitation of the working class or the proletariat.On the other hand Weber perceived a society where the accumulation of capital was attributed to the dedication, self denial and hard work o f the capitalists. As Etzioni Halevy in Social metamorphose noted, Weber viewed social change in society as caused not only by the economic factors but also by values and ideas (Etzioni Halery E). Notably, Weber did not underestimate the role of or importance of economic factors in as far as social change in society was concerned. Some of Webers viewpoints bring in him no fame as they just blended what Marx had earlier presented.The main indication pertaining his ideologies was his emphasis on the fact that the advent of modern capitalism could not be wholly blamed on the economic factors. (Etzioni-Halevy J, 1981). To him, values had a very significant role to play and to this regard had to be considered with the very(prenominal) intensity that was attached to economic factors. Important values cited by Weber included achievement oriented values which worked to motivate the entrepreneurs to work devotedly while negating from consumption to embrace investment.He perceived a so ciety where entrepreneurs would instead of consuming their profits re-invest to earn more profits. (Etzioni-Halery J, 1981) To Marx, social change would be realised when the two conflicting classes were no more or when the working class overthrew the ruling class over the means of production. Weber rejected this view point on the argument that social change was a complex aspect which was affected by the class groupings as well as the varying or diverse status. (Allan K, 2005) The working class according to Marx earned a living by selling their force to the owners of the means of production or capitalists.There was an eminent exploitation surrounded by the two classes in the society. Marx coined the term pauperization to mean the process through which the rich became richer as the poor grew poorer. The exploitation was due to the fact that the recompense paid to the working class by the capitalists was not equitable to the work or output they produced. Apart from receiving poor pa y, the working class in poor conditions that negatively affected their mental as well as physical well being. (Giddens A and Griffiths, 2006).Weber backed Marx idea that the society was characterised by conflicts for power as well as resources. On how the society was structured Weber negated from Marx ideology that economic factors alone had a role to play in its determination. In contrast he noted that other important aspects like status as well as party had a role in class differences. According to Weber they could come to the fore from other aspects rather than economic forces. He noted that economic differences could burn up from other resources rather than property for instance skills, qualifications or credentials. Taylor G and Spencer S, 2004). Weber argued that capitalism was not necessarily the critical factor triggering craziness and neediness of the working class. Consequently, elimination of the private ownership would not suffice in resolving the inequality issue in the society. Weber blamed the alienation to the omnipotent structures of the bureaucratic rule (Hamilton P, 1991). Weber rejected socialism as a way of resolving the problems associated or linked in capitalism.

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